Friday, January 21, 2011

Austalia - Land of the long white crowd.

Australia has a refugee policy best described by the often used phrase "Stop the boats". Considered by the right leaning members of it's society as preventing illegal arrivals, neither side of politics cares to point out the truth.
A boat full of refugees arriving on Australia's shores has every right to apply for refugee status. As a signatory to the United Nations charter there is an obligation to do so.
The Australian population is held hostage by the last vestiges of a racist mentality, perpetuated by the baby boomers and those who are older.

Finally I have proof and here's how it came about.

My brother was visiting our parents in the largest retirement home Australia has to offer - Queensland. They are self funded retirees living in an enclave for the well to do, surrounded by fellow Liberal party supporters.
During breakfast for 30 of their closest friends, the conversation turned to South Africa and the flight of the white population. It was agreed that these "refugees" should be openly accepted into Australia.
My brother, to his credit, asked what the difference was between people fleeing war in Afghanistan and the escalating crime in South Africa.
The answer? Two words, straight to the point.... "They're white".

On a purely factual basis you could well argue that given Australia's participation in the War in Afghanistan. We helped created that refugee situation. So there is a responsibility to those dispossessed.
Apart from boycotting a bit of cricket, South Africa's situation was not our creation. Generally speaking they are trying to leave one rich white enclave for another.

Priority of conscience in a thinking mind leans towards those in greatest need with the least ability to help themselves.... But that's not how the rich think.....

Monday, January 17, 2011

You can't fix stupid.

I watched an old movie today - Things to come. Being based on a novel by H.G. Wells it did have an overtly socialist theme, nevertheless It did raise some thoughts in my mind.
It would be an over simplification of the plot to say that people in general want a peaceful, happy life, it's just that there's always some wanker who want's to stuff it up. A more realistic description would be that people are very easily led down a path of oppression and misery.

John Lennon famously said "War is over if you want it". Of course that relies on all parties refusing to take part. A noble if unrealistic approach. Certainly a lot of essentially one sided conflicts could be avoided, if only people were willing to use their brains. Here then lies the problem. The vast majority of people are idiots. It's not their fault. Genetic predisposition coupled with indoctrinated educational practices guarantee that the bulk of any population are nothing more than fodder for a system of control.

For undeniable proof I need present nothing more to you than exhibit A ... Any TV guide in any country. Tally up the hours of mindless pap compared to programming that actually educates and informs. Now, don't go blaming the television stations. It's a ratings based industry and they merely provide what the bulk of good little consumers want.
Cable television is even more blatant. In order to access the programs of substance in a country like Australia you have to pay extra. On top of the fee charged for the basic package garbage. The logic being that if you want informed content you must be in a higher income bracket.

It's with a sense of irony that I note one of the things the military uses to ingratiate new mince is the promise of further education. Only a deal maker if your ability to pay your own way doesn't exist. It's quite clearly targeted at the poor who, let's face it, are usually the one's dumb enough to fight rich people's wars without being aware of doing it.

Oh yes, it's noble to fight for ones country. In the right circumstances. But ever noticed that the ones causing all the grief and making all the profit are never in the thick of it?

It's a cycle that has continued for thousands of years. It won't end. As a species we're just too stupid.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Great Dictator - How things have changed.

Ironic that this speech from Chaplin's The Great Dictator now has an entirely new context. Change within a country is rarely sudden. It creeps upon you like a cancer, constantly denied until the facts are irrefutable. Acceptance only  comes when it's all too late. Watch the clip and heed the words.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Australia facing internet purchase revolt by retailers.

With profits down this Christmas, retailers in Australia are crying poor. Purchases made via the internet are being blamed, despite their accounting for less than 3% of sales.
The big retailers have banded together to try and have GST added to overseas online purchases. The Australian has an article showing price differences between online and retail, but is this the whole story?
Here is an example I found in less than 2 minutes....
Corel, makers of well know software have an online store where you are directed to satellite pages for your country automatically. See the Australian page for Videostudio X3 below.

Now, if you click on the country link and select U.S. you get this....
This compares with Harvey Normans price here...

So as you can see from these screen-shots, Corel make sure their online price is inflated to match retail on-selling pricing. You can't buy the boxed version from America, but you CAN buy the download version. Here's the price for that...
Yup, still around half the price.

Let's face it, since most software is updated online anyway it's no big deal to download the whole program and burn it to a disc.

This one example shows that pricing is often set by a perceived ability to pay, NOT what is reasonable.
If the same website has multiple pricing for the same product then clearly all is fair when you decide how to part with your money.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mary Quite Contrary

Seems all a bit silly when you explain it like this.....

Gulf Oil Spill - Kindra Arnesen's EXPLOSIVE New Revelations.

Mainstream media no longer considers the BP oil spill in the gulf newsworthy. Kindra Arnesen updates whats happening.

The Philosophy Of Liberty

You own your life. Great video for anyone who want's to understand what liberty actually means.