Friday, December 31, 2010

Grandma Got Molested At The Airport

Nice to see the humor in America's TSA policy, also known as Gate Rape.

‘Wikileaks Has Proven the First Amendment is Dead & Gone!’

My hat comes off to the executive at Fox that allowed this to slip through.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The ultimate oxymoron - Fox News

Fox News, owned by Rupert Murdoch, has to be the most blatantly biased media channel in America. Widely regarded as the publicity arm of the Republican party, there seems to be no limit to their distortion of the truth. Most thinking people are well aware of this and quite happy to voice their opinion as the video below shows.

The Urban Dictionary definitions for Fox News display how highly this service is regarded amongst younger people.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Frost over the World - Julian Assange

David frost interviews Julian Assange regarding Wikileaks and the right of governments to keep secrets. Topics discussed include possible extradition to the United States, source driven information and secret institutions.


Enlightening interview that sheds more light on the Wikileaks  drama.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

iSpy with my little App.

A handy way to make you a ‘better citizen’. The Patriot App links your iphone to American security and law enforcement agencies via the Internet and allows you to report anything you want at the touch of a button. Nice to know that for a small fee you can help big brother in his war against terror!
I have an App suggestion for the developers.... One that documents the false statements made by the government, they can call it iLied.

The twelve days of Wikimas.

On the first day of Wikimas they tried to censor me
In the name of a false democracy.

On the second day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the third day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the fourth day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the fifth day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Fox does it's thing......
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the sixth day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Weak minds obeying,
Fox does it's thing......
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the seventh day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
World opinion winning,
Weak minds obeying,
Fox does it's thing......
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the eighth day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Calls for my killing,
World opinion winning,
Weak minds obeying,
Fox does it's thing......
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the ninth day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Tagged to stop running,
Calls for my killing,
World opinion winning,
Weak minds obeying,
Fox does it's thing......
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the tenth day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Laws changed to liking,
Tagged to stop running,
Calls for my killing,
World opinion winning,
Weak minds obeying,
Fox does it's thing......
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the eleventh day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Extradition is advancing,
Laws changed to liking,
Tagged to stop running,
Calls for my killing,
World opinion winning,
Weak minds obeying,
Fox does it's thing......
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

On the twelfth day of Wikimas they tried to censor me.
Tortured Manning weakening,
Extradition is advancing,
Laws changed to liking,
Tagged to stop running,
Calls for my killing,
World opinion winning,
Weak minds obeying,
Fox does it's thing......
More banks deterred,
Free speech ends,
Two disgruntled loves,
In the name of a false democracy.

Copyright© 2010 R Davidson

Wikileaks' Cablegate: the truth is out there

Great comedy assesment of Wikileaks saga.........

Friday, December 17, 2010

Time magazine's clerical error.

It appears Time magazine, due to technical error, printed the wrong cover this week. Here is a copy of the original draft.....

Bradley Manning subject to KGB tactics?

The latest development in the Wikileaks saga seems to be the American authorities promising a plea bargain to Bradley manning. All he has to do is name Julian Assange as a fellow conspirator. Easy, just sign this confession that we've prepared earlier and the pain will stop.
The purges of communist Russia spring to mind here. What next? Gulags for citizens that don't tow the party line?
To my mind the true irony of the last ten years is 9/11 was an attack designed to bring down the united states. It's looking more and more like they succeeded.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to create an Angry American

As America pursues Julian Assange over leaked documents, It's worthwhile giving people a reminder just who the real criminals are.

More George Carlin - We Like War.

For the Athiests amongst us.

For those of you with religious convictions, that's fine. I wouldn't dream of questioning your faith. We all have the right to believe what we choose to.
Personally I'm more aligned to George Carlin's views on the subject.

Quotes that make you think.

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. - Gerry Garcia

I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them. - George Bush 

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures. -George Bush

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

Americans have different ways of saying things. They say "elevator", we say "lift" ... they say "President", we say "stupid psychopathic git. - Alexai Sayle.

George Carlin ~ The American Dream.

You'd better believe what this guy is saying, he knows how it works.
Behind all great comedy lies a fundamental truth.

Freudian Slip?

The oldies are the goldies aren't they....?

George Orwell - Animal Farm.

Since I posted my favorite Orwell quotes, I'd better give you a link to download a free ebook copy of Animal Farm. Classic story about the corruption of political ideals.

Alternative Bon-Bon Jokes.

Christmas Bon-Bons (Crackers in some countries) have notoriously bad jokes in them. So painful as to warrant a sly substitution. So here's a few suggestions.

Why have elephants got four feet?
Because six inches just isn't enough.

Why did Humpty Dumpty push his wife off the wall?
He wanted to see her crack.

Why do women wear white when they get married?
That's the color of most large domestic appliances.

What's the difference between hard and light?
You can always go to sleep with a light on.

Why did the pervert cross the road?
Because he couldn't get his nob out of the chicken.

What has six legs and a C#nt halfway up it's back?
A police horse.

What do you call an armless and legless man with a 12 inch penis?
Partially handicapped.

Favourite George Orwell Quotes.

I'm a voracious reader. Always have been. One of my favourite authors is George Orwell. A man truly ahead of his time when it came to understanding how governments operate. Here's a collection of his quotes I'm particularly fond of.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.

Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
In our time political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible.
Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words, it is war minus the shooting. 
War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.

The three levels of lying.

What a wonderful world it would be if honesty really was the best policy.
Sadly, the first rule of life is that people lie. It's a protection mechanism and part of human nature.
So do yourself a favor and think about the three levels of lying when faced with ANYTHING anyone says.......

Level 1: The stated fact.
Example: I'm not feeling well.

Level 2: The true intention.
Example: I can't be bothered going to work today.

Level 3: The underlying motivation.
Example: My job sucks and I need a break.

Behind every statement is a hidden truth.
In the above example level 2 is occasionally obvious. Look beyond that to level 3 and you are inside the head of that person.
Try it, you'll be amazed at how transparent people really are. We all do it and most of us don't even think about our own third level!

If you third level somebody else you have an advantage, your ahead of their own thinking.